Happy Feast Day of St. Paul

Happy Feast Day of St. Paul (January 25th). St. Paul, patron saint of missions, writers, and publishers, pray for us. To listen to the poem that I wrote, and that is in Cloud of Witnesses 25th Anniversary Edition, click on the button directly below. This poem is read by my Grandson who adds a bit of light percussion to it. This poem lends itself very nicely to rapping. Just sayin’.

To hear more poems about the 42 saints found in Cloud of Witnesses, 25th Anniversary Edition, enter your email and press “follow” on Pain of Grace’s Homepage. You will be notified when another saint poem is uploaded.

This poem along with 41 others can be found in Cloud of Witnesses, 25th Anniversary Edition which can be purchased through EWTN’s Religious Catalog or Amazon.

Joni’s book, Pain of Grace can also be found on Amazon and in EWTN’s Religious Catalog