Feast Day of the Chair of St. Peter

Happy Feast Day of The Chair of St. Peter, the first Pope. St. Peter, please pray for the Church and the Holy Father!!! And please pray for all of us who love the Lord and His Church!!! I have a very special love of St. Peter he is my Confirmation Saint. I tend to think of St. Peter as hard-headed and impulsive. (Just think of how many times he jumped out of the boat to meet Jesus.) St. Peter and I share many of the same character flaws and hopefully a few of the more positive qualities as well. I do hope that when it is my turn to be greeted at the Gate of Heaven, I hear from Peter, the Keeper of the Keys, say, “I know you. Come on in. Man, do we need to talk.” Lol!

To hear the poem that I wrote and recorded about St. Peter, click on the button directly below.

To hear more poems about the 42 saints found in Cloud of Witnesses, 25th Anniversary Edition, enter your email and press “follow” on Pain of Grace’s Homepage. You will be notified when another saint poem is uploaded. You can also click here on the “Audio St. Poems” page to hear all the poems uploaded to date.

This poem along with 41 others can be found in Cloud of Witnesses, 25th Anniversary Edition which can be purchased through EWTN’s Religious Catalog or Amazon.

Joni’s book, Pain of Grace can also be found on Amazon and in EWTN’s Religious Catalog